Pvz plants vs zombies fan dom Wiki

Sky City[]

An upcoming world, based of a world in Plants vs. Zombies 2 (Chinese version).

Upcoming Rome based world[]

An upcoming world found in the code. There are 7 new plants and 10 new zombies.


Pyrevine is an upcoming plant found in the code. It is currently unknown other than its codename and image.



  • Its appearance is based on the anglerfish.

Unknown plant[]

An unconfirmed upcoming plant found in the code. Nothing is known about this plant apart from its seed packet image.


Thunder Snapdragon[]

Tunder Snapdragon is an upcoming plant from the Chinese version. It shoots out an electric ball that deals 200 DPS directly and 100 DPS splash.

Almanac entry[]

Sun Cost:150 - Recharge:20 - Toughness:300(?) - Damage:200 - Plant Food Power:Damage - Range:Straight - Family:Fila-mint

  • Spits out a lightning ball, that discharges an electrical current, causing ranged damage to approaching zombies.
  • (???)



  • Its name in the Chinese version is Zapdragon.

Roman Zombie[]

An upcoming zombie fund in the code.

Roman Conehead[]

An upcoming zombie fund in the code.

Roman Buckethead[]

An upcoming zombie fund in the code.

Roman Flag Zombie[]

An upcoming zombie fund in the code.

Healer Zombie[]

An upcoming zombie fund in the code.

Gladiator Gargantuar[]

An upcoming zombie fund in the code.

Tiger Imp[]

The imp thrown by Roman Gargantuar.

Roman Shield[]

An upcoming zombie fund in the code.

Roman Ballista[]

An upcoming zombie fund in the code.

Fire Drain Upgrade[]

The Fire Drain upgrade is an upcoming effect that will be used when Pepper-mint family plants are at there final level and use there plant food effect will use this upgrade. It can only be used once in a round.


It is unknown why other families are not getting an upgrade.
